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Start a PhilosophYouth Chapter
How It Works
  1. Invite at least 3-5 people to join your discussions regularly.

  2. Register to start a chapter and go through our orientation process for discussion facilitators. 

  3. Start holding discussions using the primers we send you every week. 

  4. Keep in touch through our Discord server and submit your ideas or topics so we can distribute them to all our other chapters. 

How This Helps

By starting a PhilosophYouth chapter in your school or local area, you're creating a space where youth near you can access philosophy. Every chapter contributes to our goal of making philosophy accessible to youth everywhere. 


You'll also be able to include your perspective and share the needs of your community with us so that we can do our best to make our opportunities accessible to you. 

PhilosophYouth Global Ambassadors
National Ambassadors
  1. Search for Local Ambassadors throughout your country. Coordinate with your team and help them thrive.

  2. Connect with major entities (national-level organizations, media outlets, etc.) to grow PhilosophYouth's presence.

  3. Represent your country's perspective at regular meetings by reporting on progress and conveying any feedback.

Local Ambassadors
  1. Work with your National Ambassador and fellow Local Ambassadors to launch and execute coordinated efforts effectively.

  2. Connect with local entities (high schools, community organizations, local newspapers, etc.) to grow PhilosophYouth's presence.

  3. Represent your area's perspective at regular meetings by reporting on progress and conveying any feedback.

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