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Flash Philosophy Submissions
How it Works
  1. Anyone may submit their flash philosophy piece for review. 

  2. All submissions undergo the PhilosophYouth review process to ensure that every piece published is high quality and up to par with our standards. 

  3. When an essay is published, the writer is credited and reserves the intellectual property rights to their work. PhilosophYouth does, however, reserve the right to retain or remove the piece on/from the PhilosophYouth website as we see fit. 

How to Submit
  1. Read our Submission Guidelines and ensure that your essay adheres to them.

  2. Fill out the form at the end of this page.

  3. A confirmation email (within 24 hours) will inform you that we have received your flash philosophy submission.

  4. A follow-up email will arrive within 7-14 days updating you on the status of your piece and any next steps you must take.

  5. Once your piece has been approved, we will update you with some final details before publishing it on our site.

Submission Guidelines
  1. Submissions should be approximately 200-500 words long, typically spanning just a few paragraphs and a maximum of one page (don't feel the need to fill the whole page). ​

    1. We suggest this length because these flash philosophy pieces are meant to be bite-sized conversation starters rather than fully fleshed-out theories or lengthy treatises. Please be aware that as a conversation starter, some people will almost certainly have critiques of any philosophical idea. We welcome discussion (through the comments section), though we assure you that any personal attacks will not be tolerated. 

    2. This is a loose limit, but if you would like to submit a significantly shorter or longer piece, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be happy to consider your request.​

  2. We believe the best writing is concise and easily understandable.

    1. Writing in the first person is accepted and encouraged, while unnecessarily stilted, dated, or complicated language is discouraged.

    2. Feel free to use modern examples, but stay away from excessive and unnecessary slang or vulgarity.

  3. Suggested Structure

    1. Very quickly and briefly introduce your topic. Say what question or issue you will be tackling and your thesis statement (what single point you're trying to convince the reader of). 

    2. Explain your argument in a logical manner. Give reasons for all of your statements and conclusions, and never assume that the reader will just immediately believe what you say. 

    3. Try to include at least one strong counterargument and respond to it.

    4. Conclude by clearly, concisely, and strongly coming back to the main premises and final conclusion of your argument.  

  4. Submissions must not under any circumstances contain plagiarism. ​

    1. ​Quotes or ideas directly taken from or found in another person's work must be properly cited. 

    2. If you need help with in-text citation, simply do the best you can and make sure to include the links to all of your sources so that we can help make sure everything is cited properly. 

  5. Additional guidelines

    1. Each essay is reviewed by a real person, so if your essay is a bit out-of-the-box or there is anything that you think we should know about or that you think you need help with, feel free to include any personal notes or clarifications for the reviewer in the Notes section of the essay submission form. 
    2. Do not attempt to submit essays through emailYou may follow up and inquire about essays through email, but any essays sent through email will not be considered. Only essays submitted through the proper form will be reviewed for publication. 

    3. You may send us any further questions through or through our Contact Us page.

  • What is the role of the discussion facilitator?
    The discussion facilitator helps everyone get the most out of each discussion session by kindling conversation, making sure that everyone gets the chance to share their thoughts, and maintaining the civil, productive, and philosophical qualities of the discussion. In the spirit of our mission and vision, PhilosophYouth discussion facilitators are not teachers but youth and, unlike philosophy teachers, are permitted to engage in the discussion in addition to leading it. Accordingly, any opinions expressed by our representatives are entirely their own, and we encourage you to challenge any opinions that you disagree with. If you are interested in becoming a PhilosophYouth discussion facilitator, you may volunteer at
  • What will I learn at a Discussion Circle?
    The topics we discuss are different every single week, but the key central piece of every discussion is practicing how to think deeply about a problem, express your thoughts clearly, and be open to learning from the input of others. In addition to a regular venue for philosophical conversation, you will also gain exposure to a range of topics and, of course, to the diversity of thought that is always brought out in a round table discussion. Each discussion will make you think through a great conversation.
  • Are discussion sessions like philosophy classes?
    Discussion sessions are similar to philosophy classes in that we spend the session exploring different problems through a philosophical lens, learning about the answers philosophy has provided, and developing our own solutions. However, they are different from philosophy classes in that there is no lecturer or formal teacher, and everyone is given an equal opportunity to speak their mind and develop their ideas.
  • Do I need to study or prepare before joining a discussion session?
    PhilosophYouth exists for the benefit and enjoyment of young philosophers, so our discussion sessions never require or assume any prerequisite knowledge. We do sometimes provide a simple primer and a few extra resources together with the topic once it is released, but it is all optional and provided only to improve your discussion experience.
  • Who is allowed to join?
    Anyone! Whether this will be your first experience with philosophy or your thousandth, anyone is free to join, as the community-based nature of each discussion session ensures that it will be engaging for anyone who attends. We would like to note, however, that PhilosophYouth is geared primarily toward younger people (most of our members are in high school or college), though adults are welcome to come and join the conversation as well. Parents who want to supervise their child's first discussion session with PhilosophYouth are also welcome to sit in.
  • Do I need to apply or become a member before I can join a session?
    All you have to do to join is fill out the short form below! Simply follow the instructions listed above, confirm your slot, and you will receive the Zoom details through email. After your first session, you will receive a follow-up email asking whether you would like to become a member and continue philosophizing with PhilosophYouth. If you agree, you will officially become a member (you may opt out any time) and gain access to our private Discord server.
  • Can participants get a Certificate for joining?
    Unfortunately the fluid nature of discussions means that we cannot provide a certificate guaranteeing that you completed a particular curriculum. We can, however, provide a Certificate of Membership to members who request it. This certificate will indicate how many discussion sessions you have participated in and any written work you may have published with PhilosophYouth.
  • My question wasn't answered here. Where can I ask it?
    Please do not hesitate to contact us at You may also use the form on the Contact Us page, and we will get back to you shortly.
Frequently Asked Questions
Flash Philosophy Submission Form

Thank you for submitting your essay! You will receive a confirmation email in the next 7 days updating you on the status of your submission.

Essay Submisson Form
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